Information of congregation members is kept on the Rector’s mobile ‘phone, computer, and church computer and sometimes on a hard copy list and consists of names, and addresses, telephone and email contact details.
A hard copy list is displayed each year at the AGM.

An email list is kept to send Sunday pew sheets to members of the congregation, where an email address has been provided.

The list of members takes two forms.
One consists of those who are communicant members, and a slightly wider list is kept of pastoral connections, which may include names of spouses, or children of members.
Details of members are shared sometimes among others in the congregation.
And the list may be shared for pastoral care, or to distribute magazines and other forms of news or communication.
The congregation has websites and social media accounts.
Names may be shown in rotas for Church duties on the Church notice board, the Church magazine, or the Church website.

The information kept is only of that detail submitted by members of their own volition.
If you do not wish to be in a church Facebook group or page you can ‘unlike’ or ‘unfollow’.
If you do not wish to have your email address shared among recipients of Sunday pew sheets, or for other items of news of information you should inform the Rector.
You can inform the Rector by returning the email, phoning, or face-to-face, informing the Rector that you no longer wish your information used in that way.
If you wish your name and address and contact details to removed from the communicant list, or the pastoral list of members you may also inform the Rector.
However, it is necessary for the Rector to keep such lists for canonical reasons.
For instance, if your name is not kept in the communicants list you would not be eligible to vote at AGMs or EGMs.
And if your name is not on either list of members it will reduce the Rector’s ability to perform any pastoral care.

The treasurer keeps a list of names and contact details of people who gift aid to the church.

Residual information about a deceased person may remain on documents arranged for their funerals.
Similarly names and similar details may remain in documents arranged for baptisms and weddings.
Information of people is kept in registers, locked in Church, for the pastoral services, such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Such information can not be removed.

Also, if, on reading this notification you discover that you are not on one of the contact lists and wish to receive information, such as the weekly pew sheets by email please do let he Rector know by providing your email and phone details.